An evening at the music hall : a collection of music hall songs
Music Scores
An evening at the music hall : a collection of music hall songs / edited and arranged by Cecil Bolton.
Cramer, 2001.
For piano and vocal.
Abdallah bulbul ameer; The amateur whitewasher; The baby' name; A bad, bad woman; The best little woman in the world; Bill Bailey (won't you please come home); The boy in the gallery; Chalk Farm to Camberwell Green; (The Cock linnet song) Don't dilly dally on the way!; The coffee shop in Pimlico; Come home, Father; Coster girl in Paris (I'd like to live in Paris all the time); The Coster's serenade; Daisy bell; Don't dilly dally on the way (The cock linnet song); Don't do it again, Matilda!; Down the road; Everybody knows me in my old brown hat; Flanagan; The four oss sharrybang; The future Mrs Awkins; Gendarmes duet; The ghost of Benjamin Binns; The golden dustman; Half-Past nine (My wedding day); Happy Eliza and converted Jane; I aven't told 'im-not up to now!; I do like to be beside the seaside; If those lips could only speak; I'll be your sweetheart; In the good old summertime; Jerusalem's dead!; The Lambeth walk; Tis the last rose of summer; Love's old sweet song; The man on the flying trapeze; Moonstruck; More work for the undertaker; My wedding day (Half past nine); The next horse I ride on, The old brigade; Saturday!; She was poor, but she was honest; Shelling green peas; A simple little string; Sweet little rose from Persia; They're moving father's grave to build a sewer; Twiddly wink; Two little sausages; Villikins and his Dinah; While London's fast asleep