Berkshire Archaeological Journal, 1975-1976. Vol. 68 : Contains "Fauna of an area of Mesolithic occupation in the Kennet valley considered in relation to contemporary eating habits, " by H. H. Carter; "The excavation of a Neolithic site at Cannon Hill, Maidenhead, Berkshire, 1974-1975, " by R. Bradley, L. Over, D. W. A. Startin, and R. Weng; "Three Romano-British inhumations at Upper Lambourn, " by J. C. Richards; "Excavation at Reading Abbey, " by C. F. Slade; "A Romanesque capital from Reading Abbey in the Reading Museum and Art Gallery, " by Ellen Ettlinger; "Simonds' Brewery at Reading, 1760-1960, " by T. A. B. Corley, "The Berkshire Record Office, " by Angela Green
Reading: Berkshire Archaeological Society, 1976.
114 p., black and white photographs, maps, plans, drawings.