A short, plain, and practical exposition of the prayers, rubricks, rites, and ceremonies authorized and prescribed in the Book of common-prayer of the Church of England : Containing the harmony of the several parts and offices, and the substance of the liturgical remarks of Bp. Sparrow, Dr. Comber, Mr. Wheatley, and the other learned writers on the same subject: carefully collected into a narrow compass, chiefly for the convenience of those who have not the opportunity of persuing many and larger books; but made serviceable to all by the addition of new observations: and therefore proper to be bound up with the Book of common-prayer . 1742
Newbery, John, 1713-17671742
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Reading : Printed and sold by J. Newbery and C. Micklewright, at the Bible and Crown in the Market-Place; also by R. Ware in Amen Corner, and S. Birt, in Ave-Mary-Lane, London; and by most booksellers in town and country, 1742.
47, [1] p ; (8vo)
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