Every day amazing : fantastic facts for every day of the year
Barfield, Mike2021
Something amazing really does happen every single day! Literally the book of the year, this incredible compendium gives you fun and fantastic facts for every date on the calendar. Did you know that Buzz Aldrin took the first selfie in space on November 12th 1966? Or that October 21st is International Day of the Nacho? Read the facts daily throughout the year, or look up birthdays to see what amazing events in history happened on that day!
Every day amazing : fantastic facts for every day of the year / Mike Barfield ; illustrations by Marianna Madriz.
Barfield, Mike, authorMadriz, Marianna, illustrator
London : Laurence King Publishing, 2021.
144 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 30 cm
9781786279569 (hbk. :)