Baculum familliare, catholicon siue generale : A booke of the making and use of a staffe, newly invented by the author, called the familiar staffe. As well for that it may be made usually and familiarlie to walke with, as for that it performeth the geometrical mensurations of all altituded, longitudes, latitudes, distances and profundities: as many myles of, as the eye may well see and discerne: most speedily, exactly and familiarly without any maner of arithmeticall calculation, easily to be learned and practised, even by the unlettered. / Newlie compiled, and at this time published for the speciall helpe of shooting in great ordinance, and other millitarie services, and may as well be imployed by the ingenious, for measuring of land, and to a number of other good purposes, both geometricall and astronomicall
Blagrave, John. d.16111590
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Total copies: 1
London: Hugh Jackson, 1590.
[viii], 70p, llus (4o)
Dedicated to Sir Francis Knowles. Blagrave has an entry in the Dictionary of National Biography.
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Total copies: 1