The Oxford book of Tudor anthems : 34 anthems for mixed voices [music]
Music Scores
The Oxford book of Tudor anthems : 34 anthems for mixed voices [music] / compiled by Christopher Morris.
Oxford University Press, 1978.
1vocal score (351p. ) ; 22 cm.m8.360. mus.exs.1score score.Vocal score.
For chorus and piano or organ.
O praise the Lord / Adrian BattenAve verum corpus ; Haec dies ; Justorum animae ; Laetentur coeli ; Miserere mei ; O quam gloriosum ; Sing joyfully ; Teach me, o Lord ; This day Christ was born / William ByrdFactum est silentium / Richard DeringCall to remembrance ; Hide not Thou Thy face / Richard FarrantLord, for Thy tender mercy's sake / Richard Farrant or John HiltonAlmighty and everlasting God ; Hosanna to the Son of David ; O clap your hands ; O Lord, in Thy wrath ; This is the record of John / Orlando GibbonsLet Thy merciful ears / MuddO Lord, the maker / William MundyAve Maria / Robert ParsonsAscendit Deus / Peter PhilipsIf ye love me ; O nata lux ; Salvator mundi (With all our hearts) / Thomas TallisI heard a voice ; When David heard / Thomas TomkinsGive almes of thy goods / Christopher TyeAlleluia, I heard a voice ; Gloria in excelsis Deo ; Hosanna to the Son of David ; O Lord, arise ; When David heard / Thomas Weelkes
9780193533257 (hbk)